Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the school's phone number?
  2. How old is the school?
  3. How many students are currently enrolled?
  4. What is the age for the Pre-K class?
  5. What is in the Pre-K curriculum?
  6. Is there any classes for children under four years old?
  7. What are some of the adult activities?
  8. How does the school partcipate in the community?
  9. What are some of the school events?
  10. Does the school have an incentive program?
  11. What if my child needs help with his/her homework?
  12. Which version of mandarin does the school teach?
  13. What written style does the school teach?
  14. Is there an age requirement for CK1 / MK1?
  15. Are you the only Chinese school offering dual dialect?
  16. What is the teacher/student ratio?
  17. What is the purpose of the culture program in the school's curriculum?
  18. What time does cultural classes start?
  19. What type of culture programs are offered?
  20. Are students required to enroll in one of the cultural programs?
  21. Is there any additional charge for the cultural programs?
  1. What is the school's phone number?
  2. Our phone number is 732-993-3627 (3MCS).
  3. How old is the school?
  4. The school is over 40 years old.
  5. How many students are currently enrolled?
  6. Currently we have about 240 students enrolled.
  7. What is the age for the Pre-K class?
  8. Four years old.
  9. What is in the Pre-K curriculum?
  10. In Pre-K, students will learn simple Chinese words, crafts, songs, games, and no homework.
  11. Is there any classes for children under four years old?
  12. Yes. We have a "Mommy and Me" class. It consists of one-hour of playtime and snack. There is no charge for MCS parents. Although, for associate members it is a $40 per family fee. The snacks are provided by parents and at least one parents must stay with the child.
  13. What are some of the adult activities?
  14. Basketball, Adult Conversation Class, Tai Chi Class, Tennis Party, Ballroom Dancing, Seminars(College, Retirement Panning, etc.)
  15. How does the school partcipate in the community?
  16. Marlboro Chinese New Year Parade, Marlboro Beautification Day, Asian Heritage Festival, Marlboro Day, Marlboro Multicultural Day, Marlboro Senior Fun Day, Marlboro Memorial Day Parade.
  17. What are some of the school events?
    1. Chinese New Year Celebration - Performances, Dinner, Entertainment, Carnival
    2. Writing Contest
    3. Chess Contest
    4. Calligraphy Contest
    5. Paintint Contest
    6. Speech Contest
    7. Yo-Yo Contest
    8. Year End Picnic
    9. Graduation and Award Ceremony
    10. Mother's Day Flower Exchange
    11. Health Fair
    12. School Open House
  18. Does the school have an incentive program?
  19. Yes, we give students award points that they can use to redeem toys, staionary or gift cards.
  20. What if my child needs help with his/her homework?
  21. We have after school tutors to help your child with his/her homework.
  22. Which version of mandarin does the school teach?
  23. We teach the Pinyin version.
  24. What written style does the school teach?
  25. We teach theTraditional style for Cantonese classes and Simplified for Mandarin classes.
  26. Is there an age requirement for CK1 / MK1?
  27. Students have to be at least four years old/
  28. Are you the only Chinese school offering dual dialect?
  29. Yes, in Monmouth County.
  30. What is the teacher/student ratio?
  31. We have a 14:1 ratio. Class sizes are often 10 to 14 students.
  32. What is the purpose of the culture program in the school's curriculum?
  33. Our goal is to introduce a variety of intersting and educational Chinese cultiural topics to give the students a well rounded exposure to many aspect of Chinese heritage.
  34. What time does cultural classes start?
  35. All cultural classes start at 11:15am and run until 12:00pm.
  36. What type of culture programs are offered?
  37. Our culture curriculum includes: Folk Dances, Chinese Brush Painting, Chinese Chess, Chinese History, Chinese Yo-Yo, Calligraphy, Crafts, Kung Fu, Mandarin Converstaion and School Newsletter.
  38. Are students required to enroll in one of the cultural programs?
  39. All students from 2nd grade and up must enroll in one of our cultural programs. The lower classes have a special set of cultural programs coordinated by the teacher and the cultural director.
  40. Is there any additional charge for the cultural programs?
  41. There is a nominal fee for the Folk Dances, Chines Brush Painting and Crafts.